About Me

Hey ya'll! I'm Kayla and I want to welcome ya'll to my little blog, Southern Mama of Two.

I am 29 years old, mama of two precious girls, step mama to one precious girl, and I'm married to the love of my life.

I was born and raised in south Mississippi, and still live here on my husband's family farm with our girls. I work for an insurance company and my husband is a row crop farmer.

Ryleigh Ann is 8 years old and sometimes thinks she is 18 years old lol! She loves riding horses, making slime, and playing with friends. Ryleigh is sweet as pie and super smart.
Brynlee Kate is 3 years old and full of life! She is hilarious and comes up with the funniest stories. Brynlee loves horses more than anything in the world. She is sweet, but can be bossy sometimes.
I'm just a regular mama trying to figure out this thing called life. I can't function without coffee or Jesus. I love to travel, but rarely can because hello finances?! I try not to be so serious all the time. I love my kids and I love my husband more than anything!
Thanks for taking the time to read my chaos :)


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