a day in the life..

Linking up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesday. This is how yesterday was for me, and this is how my week days usually go.
My alarm goes off and I hit the snooze twice usually lol. I let the girls sleep while I get ready for work. I sit their clothes, school bags, and anything else we need to take with us out the night before.
6:00- I start making our lunches.
6:20- Time to wake the girls up and get them dressed for school/daycare.
6:40- We head out the door to begin our hour commute to school.
7:45- I get to work to start my day!! :)
11:30-Lunch time! My favorite second favorite part of the day.
5:00-Quitting time, my favorite part of the day! Time to pick the girls up and start our hour drive back home.
We stopped for sno cones yesterday. First ones of the year yay! That means summer is almost here :) Ryleigh had banana w/cream and I had birthday cake w/cream (not on my diet but oh well)
6:00-supper time! yesterday we had hamburger steak, mash potatoes, and a roll.
7:00- It was still day light out and Ryleigh wanted to stay at my mom's  house to play with my nephews. Bk and I went home and got a little walk in before the mosquitoes attacked us.
8:00- Bath Time for the girls or Bat Bat as Brynlee calls it.
9:00- Bed time which is my least favorite time of the day because my girls are wild and it always takes at least an hour for them to wind down and finally fall asleep.
Last night I was able to sneak in The Best of Me on Netflix. One of my favorite Nicholas Sparks movies. Actually I like all of them but ya know :)
That's a typical day for me, nothing fancy lol. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!


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