Stranded: 3 Favorite Movies

Linking up with Shay & Erika!
If I were to be stranded on a deserted island what 3 movies would I take with me? Good question considering I love to watch movies, but I can't just watch any movie that comes on. I like to re-watch movies I've seen over and over, unless it grabs my attention.

Varsity Blues.. enough said. I absolutely love everything about this movie because it brings me back to my high school days. Small town Friday night football games.

Practical Magic. I'm not going to lie, when I was little I wanted to be a witch (a good one)every time I watched this movie. It was magical, surreal, and I wanted to live that life. I can't help but sing and dance around my house during the margarita scene.

The Best of Me. My favorite Nicolas Sparks book and movie. I just wish the ending would have been different :(




  1. So much yes on your picks! Love Practical Magic.. and Varsity Blues! Such good movies!

  2. Well, I haven't seen any of your movies. I might have to add them to my list. ;) I love reading other bloggers link ups. ;)

    1. Yes you should. I love to read other bloggers too and get ideas from them! thanks for stopping by

  3. I have never seen The Best of Me and I love Nicholas Sparks! I have have to check it out!

    1. Yes you definitely need to check it out! thanks for stopping by


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