
Happy Monday morning to everyone! I'm not usually a morning or a Monday person, but today has started off different. I love this quote right here! I know God is working in my life, I can feel him all around me. I  know he is going to do amazing things for me as well for others this week!

I had a great weekend with my girls and my mom. Friday night we all went out to eat at the family fish house, which my family owns. I ate lemon pepper grilled catfish with grilled peppers, potatoes, and onions on top. It was AH-MAZING! After supper we ran to wal mart to pick up a few things and rented Sisters. Ryleigh wanted to stop by my aunt's house for a few minutes, which turned into us being there over an hour. My aunt was watching Dear John, which I was automatically consumed in. I'm sorry but I cannot turn away from Channing Tatum. So needless to say once I made it home we all crashed.

Saturday morning I had to leave early to direct a pageant. Ryleigh and BK went to a Shopkins birthday party for Ryleigh's friend, Presley. After the birthday party Ryleigh went with her meme to her rodeo. As soon as I was finished with the pageant I hauled tail to Louisiana and pulled up right as she was doing her first event.
Ryleigh competed in: goat tell pulling, goat flipping, stick horse barrels, and barrel racing. She rode her bigger pony this weekend and about gave me a heart attack! Too much horse for such a small girl but she loves every bit of rodeoing. She gets it from her daddy.
Heading home from the rodeo. Since she did so good she got a Pixie Stix, which I never let her have because it makes her sooo hyper!
She has started asking to drive, so I have been letting her on my mom's road. She loves it and is getting good at it, considering I'm still pushing the gas for her lol.

We went out to eat Saturday night at our local Mexican restaurant. All the girls ate was cheese dip and chips, but they had a good time

my little flower child. thanks snapchat :)

Sunday morning consisted of church for the girls and I. Bro. Tyson preached on 2 Corinthians 1:18-22. I really enjoyed his sermon and that verse of scripture.

After church Ryleigh went home with her cousin Preston. Brynlee and I had lunch with my mom. We played outside for a little while, then went home and let BK take a nap. I got some cleaning done while she was napping. Actually I caught up on a tv series I'm watching on Netflix, The 100.

Ryleigh went to eat OEC with Preston and to watch The Jungle Book. They had a great time and said the movie was really good!

So that was my weekend. I hope that everyone has a wonderful week. I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes.


  1. Yes this is the quote to live by! I think everyone moans and groans about Monday (I know I do) but forgets about the blessings they have. Your dinner sound amazing! I love catfish. I hear you on the sweets, our child gets nuts over them, but we really do try to restrict them and she can only have it after she's eaten veggies.

    Your daughters and you are beautiful! I love the photos you've snapped with them!
    liz @ j for joiner

    1. thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and commenting! have a great day :)

  2. EWhat a fun weekend! I can't say no to Channing Tatum either : )

    1. thanks for taking the time to read my post and comment! have a great day :)


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