my first post

Well guys I have finally decided to join the blogging world. #1 I love reading/looking at other blogs, it gives me a sense of peace to see other peoples lives and happiness. #2 Writing gives me peace. I have always enjoyed writing, and it has allowed me to express myself that I sometimes cannot vocally do. I will go ahead and tell ya’ll a little about my life and I’m not going to sugar coat anything so here goes. I am 27 born and raised in Mississippi. I love Mississippi and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else!

I work in insurance, and I love doing that as my main job! I also run a pageant system with one of my best friends! Yes, you heard that right I am a pageant director from Mississippi, I can already see the wheels turning in your head. I don’t normally host glitz pageants, I usually host natural pageants for girls that are just starting out or want to get out of the shy stage. I feel like pageants help girls grow if done the right way. Both of my girls have been in pageants but it wasn’t their thing and I didn’t make them do it anymore than they wanted to.
On to the juicy info of my life haha! I am in the process of getting a divorce, which I never in a millon years thought would happen but it did. Last July my world literally fell apart when I found out my husband, the father of my two girls, had been seeing someone else. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. The day I found out he was seeing her (that’s what we will call his girlfriend) I took my girls to school, went to work, came home from lunch and packed as much of my stuff into my suv  and told him we were through. I moved into my mom’s house, with pretty much nothing and thought, “this is it, my world is officially over.” but guess what? it wasn’t.. as my aunt always tells me, you just gotta keep going and deal with life. She is so right and that is exactly what I have been trying to do for the last 8 months. I moved into my own place at the beginning of this year and have been trying to keep myself and the girls busy so that I do not think about what we have been through. It’s hard when you go from being with someone everyday to not seeing them or speaking to them at all, because we do not speak. I communicate better with her than I do with my ex.
So this is my first post. A little look into my life. I cannot wait to share more with you guys!!


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