Weekending-rodeo mom

This is how we feel about Monday :) I thought BK's face was too cute not to share. She did not like waking up early this morning and neither did Ryleigh.
Today has been a typical morning. Ill kids that did not want to wake up, work has been CRAZY, and I have a migraine that will not go away.

1. Relaxed Fit Boyfriend Tee. I went home with this top and I wore it to work today :)

2. High Low Swing Top. I went home with this shirt :)

3. Burnout Swingy Tunic.
I went home with this top and I love it only down side is it is very thin material and when I washed it something snagged the shirt putting a hole in it. I would hand wash this top.

4. Flutter-Sleeve Peasant Top

5. Cold Shoulder Lace Top
After work I went by Jc Penney to try and find a few tops for the weekend. I was successful :)

I'm usually with this girl (my SIL Reagan) on the weekend when I don't have my daughters. I went to watch my nephews play t-ball Friday night. After the game we all the whole family went to our local Mexican restaurant for supper. My brother took the boys home and told me and Reagan to have a girls night, which we did. We rode out to a bar for karaoke night. We had to sing our usual, New Orleans Ladies and Purple Rain, which held a little more meaning this weekend. #ripprince
I woke up early to head down to Louisiana for Ryleigh's rodeo. It was a beautiful, but hot day! Not a cloud in the sky and there was no shade around. I got a little burnt but nothing bad. Ryleigh did great in all of her events, unfortunately I forgot to snap some photos of her. I did get one picture of this cutie sitting on sissy's horse.
Check out her cute cheetah print boots.

After Ryleigh's rodeo I went back home to an "I Do BBQ" in honor of my friends Hannah and Gray. They are getting married next weekend, and this was a small shower/barbeque for them.
I caught a pic of this cutie pie giving me the biggest grin. Look out ladies, he is going to steal some hearts in a few years. 2.5 minutes after this picture was a taken I picked him up and he threw a fit. I guess he just likes me from a distance.

Saturday night I went to work the concession stand at the annual rodeo for Ryleigh's school. That was also the first time Ryleigh rode in a rodeo with lots of fans, loud music, lights, and an announcer. I was so nervous that her horse would get spooked or she would get scared, but she put on her big girl panties and she did awesome! Like I cried when she got done with the barrels because I was so proud of her.
Ryleigh and spot.

I went to Waffle House with Reagan, my mom, and the boys. After breakfast I went home and did a little yard work.
I went to Carlie's last wedding shower, and she got a ton of gifts. I cannot believe my little cousin will be a married woman in 3 short weeks.

I hope everyone has a great week.

Linking up with Biana


  1. Those tops are so cute! I have the same feeling about Monday as that picture haha!


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