What's Up Wednesday *May*

Linking up with Shay, Sheaffer, and Mel!

What we're eating this week
Summer has officially started which means lots of running around. I work an hour from my house, and my girls go between my mom, grandparents, and my sil. By the time I get home in the afternoons someone has cooked supper. This week has consisted of minute steaks, squash, green beans, carrots, etc.
What I'm reminiscing about
Carlie's wedding of course. Such a fun and special time. Cannot believe it's been over 1 week already.

What I'm loving
The fact that it is finally summer time and creek season!
I find this too funny :)
a few of us girls this past weekend on the creek.
waiting on my ride aka blind date that my cousin so generously set me up on, to get pulled out because he doesn't know how to drive on the creek. lol. please excuse the fact that I have a unibrow, I don't, but it is so dusty getting down to the creek that my face was caked with dirt.
If your wondering, I will never go on a blind date again, especially to ride the creek.
bailey boo and me.
What we've been up to
My nephew graduated from K4 so we celebrated that last Thursday.

 Watch out big school, here comes Henley
I hung out with  my friend Justin that I haven't seen in a couple of months on Friday night. We went out and played pool, and just caught up on life. He is one of my best friends, and one of the very few guys that I still trust.

Saturday night was yet another wedding to celebrate. We ended up getting to the wedding late, so we hit the bar up and waited for the reception to start.

I'd say Saturday was a good night, congrats to our sweet bartender Rachel on her wedding night!

What I'm dreading
Getting Ryleigh registered for her new school. More info coming up in what I'm excited for.
What I'm working on
Right now all I'm working on is getting everything finalized for Ryleigh's school switch. Also working on my divorce, hoping to have it done asap since we will be separated for one year come July.
What I'm excited about
I am switching jobs... While I am heartbroken to be leaving my office, I am excited to be moving 10 minutes away from my house. I am staying with the same company, just taking a different position. I am super excited about this change, it will save me money on gas, school cost, and hours that we are now spending in the car (10 hours a week)
What I'm watching/reading
Still trying to finish this book lol. I don't have much free time.
I'm almost finished with season two and I love this show. I don't want it to end ,insert sad face. If you want a good laugh watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. #hasbrownnofilter :)
What I'm listening to
Jon Langston Southern Drawl
Cole Swindell Remember Boys
What I'm wearing
-flip flops
What I'm doing this weekend
Since it is memorial day weekend and I have Monday off, whoop whoop for a 4 day weekend, I will can be found on the creek.
#sunshine #summertime
What I'm looking forward to next month
Frank Foster concert

What else is new
That pretty much sums it up :)


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