Stranded: Books

Linking up with Shay and Erika for their monthly link up about being stranded on a deserted island. Today I am talking about what 3 books I would want with me if I were to become stranded on a deserted island.
My first choice would have to be a devotional bible. I would need a whole lotta Jesus if I were to become stranded on an island without my kids!
My second choice would definitely be a Nicholas Sparks book. I'm sorry but I am a HUGE fan of his! Every book I have read of his has been good, but this one was amazing. I actually read it twice. I read it before the movie came out, then re-read it after I watched the movie.
My third choice would have to be any of the Twilight books. I know what your thinking, these are for teens. I don't care! I was so involved with this series, that when I finished the last book I went into a mini depression because it was over. I literally felt like I was living Bella's life.


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