
I cannot believe it is Monday again! The weekend flew by!! I didn't do too much this weekend and I enjoyed it! I had a wonderful mothers day with my girls.

Friday- I got off work and went to my nephew's t-ball game. When it was over I went to eat at the fish house with my mom, SIL, nephews, and my friend Bailey. My brother had a little bonfire behind my house Friday night so I hung out there for a little while.
My brother and I at the bonfire. He was knee deep in karaoke and miller lite by this time.

Saturday- I got up and went with my mom shopping. She had to find something to wear to Carlie's wedding this weekend. We spent some time looking around then ate at Five Guys, my fav!
I got back around 3:30 then loaded up my four wheeler and headed to the creek with my SIL. We had fun to say the least!! Once we got back we went to a crawfish boil for our friend Brian's birthday. It was another early night for me, I even fell asleep watching The Choice!
Sunday- I got up early and picked the girls up from their dad. We went to church with my mom and grandmother, in honor of mothers day. I really enjoyed the sermon. Bro. Greer preached about giving thanks to God even through the pain and struggles you are going through. It really made me stop and realize that I need to learn to thank God for the pain that I  have been going through with this divorce. He has a plan even if I have yet to see it. After church I went to eat at the fish house again with my mom, my girls, my SIL, and nephews. We spent the rest of the day at the creek. It was Ryleigh's first time this year and BK's first time to ever go. She loved the creek sooo much!
My sweet girls! The reasons I get to call myself a mother!

my mom and my girls

I hope everyone has a wonderful week, I have a feeling mine is going to be crazy but good! It's wedding week!!!!
linking up with Biana


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