
Happy Monday & Happy May! This month hasn't started out too good. I went to the doctor this morning because I thought I had the flu. Turns out it's strep, so I got a shot and some antibiotics.
I enjoyed this weekend a lot!
Friday night consisted of chips and dip and going to bed by 9:30!
Saturday the girls and I rode to town with my mom to pick up a few things and we ate hibachi. That afternoon I got ready and went to Hannah and Gray's wedding. It had rained all day so the wedding had to be changed at the last minute to inside. It was still a beautiful wedding and we had a great time.
Sunday was a lazy day because I had started not feeling good. So I started reading a new book.
Here are a few pictures from #weddingthewilliams.
I hope everyone has a great week and hopefully I will start feeling better soon!
Linking up with Biana


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