What's Hap"Pinning" Wednesday: Life Lately

linking up with Jenn and Jessi
Kindergarten Graduation
Ryleigh graduated from k5 last night. It was a bittersweet moment for me because in my eyes she should still be a baby. I cannot believe she will be starting 1st grade this year!
first day of school vs. last day of school.
me and bk waiting on graduation.
my sweet girls.
she did it! she graduated. when I blink again she will be graduating high school. time slow down!!
Benefit Pageant
This weekend I am hosting a benefit pageant in honor of Josh Sexton. He is eight years old and is currently battling osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. He had his right arm, collar bone, and shoulder amputated several weeks ago. He is also undergoing 19 weeks of chemo, but they think this will get all of the cancer!! All proceeds that we make from the pageant will go towards Josh's medical expenses, or any expenses his family has incurred while being away from their home. Please join me in praying for Josh's healing and his family's strength during this terrible battle.

That pretty much sums up life lately for me. The girls are out of school/daycare for the summer, I am busy working, and life is going good. I can't believe I'm actually saying that but it is. July will make one year since my husband and I separated. I feel like it has taken a year for my life to actually get make to "normal" if there is such thing. I am back into a routine, and I'm actually happy! I still have a ways to go, but I can see things looking up!


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