DISNEY {Day 6}

I cannot believe I have been on an almost 3 month hiatus from blogging! We have had lots of things happen in the last few months, and honestly I just haven't felt like blogging. That is about to change, and lots of exciting things will be coming to the blog soon!
First off I have to finish recapping our Disney trip!! If you missed the previous days you can find them here-Day 1 & 2,Day 3, Day 4, and Day 5.

This was our final day in Disney, and to say we were exhausted is an understatement. I know Disney is a magical place, but it is also very tiring ha!
We woke up early for breakfast then caught a bus back to magic kingdom. We didn't really plans for mk, so we let the girls pick what they wanted to do most of the day.
We made our way to Tomorrowland first because Ryleigh talked me into riding Space Mountain!
terrible picture but proof that I rode SM!
After that we rode the orbiter, because Ryleigh missed it the first day we rode.
We grabbed a Joffrey's coffee and headed to ride the carousel with BK. While we rode the carousel, Walt and Ryleigh grabbed a tinkerbell ice cream.

We ran into the sweetest character by the castle, Fairy God Mother!! Ya'll she was the sweetest thing ever, and the girls couldn't quit talking about her. She even knew their names, we have no idea how!
We grabbed a quick lunch then headed towards Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

We spent the rest of the afternoon meeting a few of our favorite princesses!

We had early dinner reservations for O'hana so we hopped on a monorail and headed to the Polynesian Resort. When we first decided to go to Disney my husband's only request was to eat at O'hana and it did not disappoint! Oh my that was my absolute favorite restaurant in Disney, period!! Their dumplings were to die for and their bread pudding was out of this world! I'm still thinking about it.
After supper we decided to go back to the room and pack up for our long drive home in the morning. If I could do disney over again I would in a heartbeat!! I'm already planning our next trip in my head haha!


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