What's Happening Wednesday No.1


linking up w/Jenn.
Happy New Year! I cannot believe we are already in 2017! Seems so crazy to think that I have been out of school for 10 years come May! I hope everyone had a good/safe New Year. I had a fun night filled with fireworks and friends. Ryleigh and Brynlee stayed up till 12:00 to ring in 2017 with mommy. Come 12:01 they were passed out ha.

Ryleigh wanted to get her hair cut before she started back school, and she decided she wanted to donate her hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. There are no words to describe how proud I am of her for making this decision on her own. Not only did she cut her hair and it go to a good cause, it is so much easier to brush and style now!

Be blessed!




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