Thoughts for Thursday No.2

This week hasn't been the best week for me for a number of reasons, but today takes the cake! I woke up earlier this morning because I knew it would be raining and I needed to leave sooner to get the kids to school and get to work. At 6:30 a.m. while I am doing my makeup my sil called me to tell me we were under a tornado warning and the news was saying it was coming straight towards my house. I live in a mobile home so I was a little worried about our safety. I grabbed the girls clothes, put them in the car, and drove to my mom's house. The weather moved out and I took Ryleigh to school and I went to work.
I went home around 9:00 a.m. to check on everything and found my kitchen flooded!! I cleaned up as much as I could and left a fan blowing on it to hopefully dry up all of the water. On my way out of the driveway I ran over Ryleigh's bike :( I am going to have one upset little girl when she gets home, but I realized that today just isn't my day. It is still raining and we are under a flash flood warning the rest of the day so hopefully nothing else will flood.
On top of this weather I am sick with a sinus infection and feeling yucky! When I was headed back to work Rascal Flatt's song I Won't Let go came on the radio and I realized that I wasn't alone, God was right there with me telling me everything was going to be ok. I have to learn to lean on him during my hard times and to praise him during my good times!
linking up with Natalie & Annie


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