What's Up Wednesday No.2
First what's up Wednesday for 2017! How exciting is that?
What we're eating this week...
Mon-chicken on a stick
Tues-baked chicken legs w/wild rice
Wed-hamburgersThurs-cube steak & gravy
Fri-no clue lol
Sat-no clue lol
What I'm reminiscing about...
Warmer weather! The past few weeks have been a mixture of cold/hot, tornadoes/rain/ice. I'm just ready for some sunny "spring like" days.
What I'm loving...
These two make my days so much brighter!
What we've been up to...
Rodeo season has started back for Ryleigh. She had her first rodeo last Saturday, and will have one every month through August.
We celebrated Carlie turning 21 a few weeks ago with friends & family

We had a girls night last weekend.
What I'm dreading...
I can't really go into details but I have some things coming up with my divorce that I'm not looking forward to.
What I'm working on...
Eating healthier and working out more.
What I'm excited about...

Next weekend Reagan and I are taking a weekend trip to Memphis to see Garth Brooks & Trisha Yearwood in concert. I am so excited to finally see them in concert and for my first trip to Memphis!
What I'm watching/reading...

A few months ago Netflix took Fringe off, while I was in the middle of season 3 :(
Luckily, now that I have the amazon fire stick I have been able to start back watching the show

I started reading this book about 2 months ago, I know I know I should be done by now. I never have time to really read a book, and I cannot get into this book for some reason. I'm going to try to finish the book soon though.
What I'm listening to...
Cody Johnson Pandora station
What I'm wearing...
I don't take a lot of pictures that show my full outfit so this is pretty bare.
What I'm doing this weekend...
I have absolutely no plans this weekend! I'm hoping for pretty weather so we can get outside and play a little.
What I'm looking forward to next month...
Garth Brooks concert as mentioned above :)
What else is new...
Nothing that I can think of right now!
Bonus Question: Favorite Bachelor?
Chris Soules for sure! I'm all about a farmer!
link up with Shay & Jenn
I haven't heard of that Nicholas Sparks book! What's it about? Your kiddos are presh!!