Show and Tell Tuesday: Steal Vs. Splurge

Today I am talking about what I save money on and what I splurge on. This is going to be short and sweet cause I'm not gonna lie, I'm not good at saving money lol.
How I save money
Store brand instead of name brand
Most of my clothes are purchased on sale! I rarely buy myself anything full price.
Most of my girls clothes are purchased on sale or second hand. I am apart of several facebook second hand groups that sell really nice clothes really cheap!
I pack my breakfast/lunch every day for work.

How I splurge
Going out to eat on the weekend. What can I say I like to eat out? It's a bad habit I wish I could break
Shoes. I like to splurge on shoes for myself and my girls. Most of the time I keep Ryleigh's shoes for BK as she grows, and I resale Bk's shoes.
Going on vacation. This is a goal of mine to spend more money on this year! I want to travel more and I intend on doing that :)
linking up with Andrea


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