
I blinked and you were three years old. Where has the time gone my little angel? Seems like yesterday I was so scared to make that trip to the hospital, so worried that something would go wrong when they took me to the operating room. When we welcomed you into the world, I knew that life wouldn't be the same. Time doesn't slow down for a mama who's heart breaks knowing her little girl is growing up.
I wish I could see the world through your eyes, because I know it is like magic to you. You always see the best in everyone and everything. You are always smiling, always laughing, and always bouncing. I hope that you never lose the twinkle in your eye and the spark in your soul. You have an imagination like no other, and I want you to always have that spirit.
I wish I could bottle up your energy, your hug and kisses, and keep them forever. You have been so good for me and your big sister and we love you forever and a day. Happy birthday my sweet benny kate!
linking up with Whitney and Erika



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