Fall Bucket List

We are two days away from it officially being FALL, my favorite time of year. I seriously wait all year to get excited about the next three months! It doesn't feel like fall in Mississippi but that hasn't stopped me from decorating my house, pulling out my fall clothes, and making a fall bucket list.
I have made a bucket list of our "fall traditions". These are things that we try to do every year, because I my children love to do them!
*Halloween Parties*
Every year we have a big Halloween party for the kids at my mom's house. Last year we weren't able to have one, but we are planning one for this year. Everyone dresses up in their Halloween costumes, even the adults. As you can see I was Kim Kardasian one year! We have food, games for the kids, a bon fire for smores, and a hay ride at the end. This is such a fun tradition my mom and I started several years ago, and our friends and family look forward to it each year.
The Mississippi state fair is the first two weeks in October and we try to go every year. The girls love seeing the animals that are there for 4h, riding the rides, and getting to eat fair food. It was always a tradition to go to the fair when I was little and I'm continuing that with my girls.
*Pumpkin Patch*
We love going to the pumpkin patch every year to spend the day. The pumpkin patch we go to is actually a peanut/pumpkin farm. There are train rides, wagon rides around the farm, corn mazes, huge inflatable jumpers, food, and a pumpkin patch. This is one of the most exciting places we go to during the fall and it does not disappoint. (top pictures are from 2015 and bottom are from 2016)
*Birthday Parties*
Lots of birthday parties in September-November. We love celebrating our sweet friends birthdays(along with mine).
*Trick or Treat*
This is a given! Trick or treating is like #1 on the bucket list for sure. I'm excited to see what my girls want their costumes to be this year.
*Fall Festival*
Ryleigh's school hosts a fall festival each year. This year I am the room mom for Ryleigh's class so I am responsible for a booth at the festival. If anyone has an idea they would like to share please feel free to help a mama out haha!

I had to save the best for last! Fall in the south=FOOTBALL! If you want to find me on Saturday I will either be in the grove in Oxford or in front of the TV screaming Hotty Toddy!! Seriously this is my favorite thing about fall hands down!
a few others on my list
-watching Halloween movies
-making smores
-hay ride
-carving pumpkins
-going to the flea market
What is on your fall bucket list?

 linking up with Jenn



  1. Now that fall is pretty much OFFICIALLY here, I'm excited. I personally am a summer girl so I hate when people try to make fall happen early, but once it's here I enjoy it immensely. Bring on the pumpkins, football, decor and fun.


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