Friday Favorites

Sharing a few random favorites today :)
Yesterday I literally "couldn't even". I was dragging so bad at work all day yesterday! I finally had to break my third (yes I know) cup of coffee to try and make it through the afternoon.
My sil surprised me with this sweet treat today. Strawberry shortcake cheesecake... omg at all the goodness this is. Shout out to Reagan for being the bomb!!
I had to screenshot this snap from my sil last night of my sweet niece Sutton. I literally could just eat her up she is so cute!
For those of you that like country music, I stumbled across Chris Janson's new cd this week and I am in LOVE! "Eyes for Nobody" has to be my new favorite song, even though the entire cd is good. I suggest ya'll country lovers take a listen.
Just sharing a post from my instagram because you have to embrace yourself!
I hope everyone has a great weekend! We are getting ready for some Rebel VS Bama football!!! HOTTY TODDY!
linking up with Erika


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