What's Up Wednesday No.4
Wow where has this month went? I cannot believe we are a few days away from April! Sharing what we have been up to lately :)
What we're eating this week.
Cinnamon and raisin bagels for breakfast
Sweet potatoes and salads for lunch
Monday-Fajitas, Tuesday-Turkey burgers w/squash and zucchini, Wednesday-Italian chicken w/green beans and red potatoes, Thursday and Friday not sure yet.
What I'm reminiscing about.
Nothing really just looking forward to summer time.
What I'm loving.
Rodan and Fields sunless tanner is getting all of the heart eyes from me lately. I am extremely pale and I do not tan at all but this has helped me have a little "tan/glow"
What we've been up to.
This is going to get kind of long with lots of pictures since I haven't posted since Friday, and a lot has happened.
Friday night my granny sue hit a pine tree head on around 9:00. She had traumatic injuries and was taken by ambulance to the university hospital. My little brother called me at midnight to let me know that she was involved in the accident, but he didn't know the extent of her injuries. He picked me up, we dropped my girls off with my sil, picked up my older brother, and drove 45 minutes to Jackson to find out exactly what was going on. Once we got to the hospital we were told she was in ICU and we met up with my grand father, aunt, uncle, and cousins. Shortly after we arrived the doctor came out and talked to us. He let us know that granny sue had 6 broken ribs, a broken hip, broken femur, level 5(worst) laceration to her liver, laceration to her spleen, and a concussion. By the grace of God this sweet little lady that I call my grandmother survived a wreck that should have killed her. I am so thankful that she is still here. She has had surgery on her leg, her liver and spleen are healing fine, she has bruising on all of her internal organs, but has been moved into a regular room, and she is going to be ok. Please if your the praying kind, keep her in your prayers.
Saturday I was running on 4 hours of sleep but I chugged two cups of coffee and got ready for Ryleigh's birthday party. Sorry for the picture overload but it was too cute and we had too much fun not to share.
What I'm dreading.
Looks like things are finally coming to an end for my divorce and I'm dreading that.
What I'm working on.
Eating healthier, trying to exercise everyday, and drinking only water. I've lost almost 7 pounds so I'm hoping I can stick to it and hit my goal weight loss.
What I'm excited about.
Just lots of great things coming up the next couple of months. Baseball season starts this weekend for my nephews, its almost creek season, and its almost summer!
What I'm watching/reading.
I'm not watching anything.
I've been reading my daily devotional.
What I'm listening to.
Lauren Daigle on Pandora radio.
What I'm wearing.
I picked these sandals up at Target and I love them! They are super comfortable and really cheap.

My new favorite rompers for spring :)
What I'm doing this weekend.
Going to watch my nephews play baseball is all I have on the calendar for now.
What I'm looking forward to next month.
Rodeos, easter, spending lots of time outside.
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