Friday Favorites No.4

Jumping right into my favorites this Friday!
My nephew Henley killed a turkey yesterday morning, the second day of youth turkey season!
I just started a new show on Netflix and I love this show so much I can't believe I am just hearing about it! I am only on season 1, but I am excited to see what happens!!
Ryleigh's 7th birthday party is coming up in a few weekends. I catch myself thinking "where has the time gone?" Honestly I can remember her being a baby cuddling on the couch with me watching Dora or Scooby Doo. Now she is in 1st grade and doing all these big girl things, it makes my heart a little. I do love watching her grow up, I just wish the time would slow down a little.
I ordered Ryleigh two pairs of shoes for summer this week. This is the only time of year she can wear open toe shoes since they aren't allowed to wear them at school. I may have to order myself a pair of chacos in this design!
Ryleigh has been asking to go to a Luke Bryan concert for a few years and I decided to take her to see him in Nashville this May. We are super excited because this is our first trip to Nashville! What are some things we need to see and do while we are there?
Linking up with Christina, Karli, & Erika






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