Friday Favorite No.5

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Tomorrow we will celebrate St. Patrick's day at the annual Ha'ls St. Paddy's Parade in downtown Jackson. Here are a few of my favorites on this beautiful Friday...
I have started re-decorating my house a little bit. This was one of the first things I have done. I still have a few things to do such as hiding those cords and putting some baskets under the table.
Ryleigh got a phone for her birthday at her dad's house. She sends me good morning texts every morning and it makes my day so much better!
My new shoes! Please excuse my glow in the dark legs. I purchased some sunless tanner that I am going to try tonight, fingers crossed it works.
Went to watch Braxton practice t-ball yesterday. I can't believe it's that time of year again.
I also watched Henley practice too. He is getting really good at ball!
That pretty much wraps up my favorites for the week. I hope everyone has a good weekend, and I can't wait to share mine with you all on Monday!


  1. Love that little entry way table!! My youngest sends texts like that to, so sweet!! Happy weekend!!


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