Weekending No.5 Gender Reveal

Here's to a great Monday, after an awesome weekend!

Friday I hosted a gender reveal for my brother and sister n law. They are welcoming their 3rd child at the end of July.
I had to snap a picture of this cutie as we headed over to the party. As you can see BK is wearing her guess, a girl that they are naming Brutus (or at least BK will call the baby that)
Justin and the boys shot the balloons which were filled with paint.
It's a.....
GIRL!!!! I cannot wait to meet Miss Sutton Reece
Saturday afternoon Ryleigh had a rodeo in Louisiana, so we packed up and headed south. She did awesome this go around. She won 1st in goat tail pulling and poles.
After the rodeo we went to Manchac, La to eat at Middendorfs. I asked Ryleigh where she wanted to go for Valentine's day and she chose to go there!
We spent the day Sunday making valentine robots for Ryleigh's class. The girls played outside most of the day and I got my house straightened up. I cooked hamburger steaks, green bean casserole, and corn for supper and we watched a movie!
I just had to share a photo of Ryleigh's valentine box she decorated!
linking up with biana



  1. This is such a great idea! My sister announced her first pregnancy and I may just have to steal this idea!


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