Weekending No.6

This weather is killin me! Just when I thought I was feeling better, wham, I'm sick again. I woke up this morning with a sore throat, coughing, swollen lymph nodes. Hopefully I can shake this mess.
I am linking up with Biana to share my weekend.

Friday night two of my friends and I had plans to see Fifty Shades Darker. We met up, bought our tickets just in case it sold out, and went to eat real quick. Real quick turned into a 30 minute wait for a table, which made us extremely late to our movie. Boo!! We decided we would just enjoy our meal and get refunds for the movie.
We enjoyed a few margaritas and some yummy shrimp n grits.
Saturday I went over to Carlie's house for blueberry pancakes and coffee. We decided to run to Jackson for a little shopping.
I bought this canvas for my living room. I am in the process of redoing my living room and I thought this would be a nice little touch for a farm house look.
We tried Sombra for lunch. It is a new Mexican restaurant that puts an American twist on Mexican food. Their house margaritas are to die for!!
We finished up our shopping and I went home to clean up my house. My aunt came up from Louisiana for the weekend so the whole family went out for supper that night.
Sunday I went to church, then to my moms for lunch. It was such a pretty day out, so I hung out with my little brother for a little while. We met up with my older brother, cousins, and sil to do a little riding on the pioneers. We went behind my house and shot guns for a little bit. I ended my day going grocery shopping.

So I was surprised with a late valentines present over the weekend! I am so pumped about getting an apple watch. I'm still figuring everything out about it.



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