Tuesday Talk No.1 Ryleigh Ann

Linking up with Ashley and Erika for my first Tuesday Talk, where you chat about anything and everything! Today I want to chat about my first born, the little human that made me a mama....
Ryleigh is my first born, a "surprise" as some would say, but one of my biggest blessings!
Full Name: Ryleigh-Ann Paige Williams
Birthdate: March 23, 2010
7.5 pounds 19 inches
I was 20 years old living in the dorm rooms at college, working a part time job, and Ramsey and I had only been dating two years when I found out I was pregnant. To say I was shocked was a complete understatement. I had no idea what I was going to do or how I was going to make it. I moved out of the dorm and into Ramsey's parents house, and decided it would be best to put my school on hold so I could work. I took a managers position at Bath and Body Works and worked 8-12 hours almost everyday until the day before Ryleigh was born.
The day before she was born I took off work early to go to the doctor because I wasn't feeling good. I ended up being admitted due to high blood pressure. My doctor decided it would be best to induce me the next morning. I was in labor for over 10 hours, never dilated, and my blood pressure kept rising. I ended up having an emergency c section. When my doctor showed Ryleigh to me the first thing I remember saying was "oh my gosh she has red hair!"
Ryleigh has always been so smart! At the age of 12 months she was saying her abcs and singing twinkle twinkle little star. At the age of two Ryleigh could count to ten in English, Spanish, and French!! It amazes me how fast and how much she retains in that pretty little head of hers.

Ryleigh has always loved to be outside. She loves to fish, ride her horse, go to the creek, and has always enjoyed watching her daddy rope! When she was a toddler she wanted to stay at the barn with her dad riding her horse.

When Ryleigh was a little over a year old I decided to put her in a pageant that my cousin's little girl was entered in. I knew nothing about the pageant world and at the time I didn't realize how addicting it was!
Ryleigh's 1st pageant
After her first pageant I was hooked! Every weekend I was entering her in pageants, and she did really well. She is an entertainer and she loved the attention even at that age.


Ryleigh never competed in full glitz pageants. I preferred natural pageants and I never forced her to do them. Half of the time she was running wild on the stage or spinning in circles. When she was 4 years old she started not wanting to do pageants and would be really shy on stage so we decided to quit them.

Ryleigh has always loved to dance. I put her in dance classes when she was 18 months old and she has loved it ever since.

Ryleigh did a little modeling for online boutiques.
I think the most exciting thing Ryleigh has experienced in her 6 short years of life is becoming a big sister!! Ryleigh loves Brynlee Kate so much and is such a great big sister. They tend to fight sometimes, but what siblings don't.
There are no words to describe how blessed I am that God chose me to be this little red head's mama. I will forever be thankful that she is the little girl that made me a mom. Ryleigh makes me happy when I am sad, she is so smart and makes me proud of her in everything that she does.
I love you to the moon and back my pretty little red head!




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