Weekending No.7 Mardi Gras

Linking up with Biana to share my weekend! Friday night Ryleigh stayed with my aunt and I went out to eat with my mom and BK. We went to Newks then came home and called it an early night. Saturday morning I woke up and cooked French toast for breakfast. Around lunch we went to town to get some things for a crawfish boil that afternoon. We enjoyed some yummy crawfish and beer later and sat around a fire talking with friends and family Saturday night. Sunday morning we got up early and left to go to Houma, Lousiana for a mardi gras parade. We went with a large group of friends and had the best time! After the parade we stopped to get king cakes and eat a late lunch/early supper at Zydecos. They have some of the best char-grilled oysters I've ever ate! Pasta Ponchatrain was amazing! Fried shrimp and oysters in a creamy alfredo sauce. Heaven!! I enjoyed my weekend a lot, and I'm feeling more Cajun ...