
current mood. I am not feeling this Monday, AT ALL! I haven't even finished my Christmas shopping yet.

This weekend was fun, but this weather ya'll! It's been cold all week, then Saturday I was in a t-shirt, shorts, and the air was on in my house. Sunday morning I had the heat blasting. They always say come to Mississippi if you don't like the weather it is bound to change in a day lol.
Friday night I helped my cousin decorate for our tacky sweater friendmas party, then we went to eat Mexican.
Saturday I ran around town pretty much all day with my sil and my nephews. Saturday night we had our annual "tacky sweater friendmas party". This year the theme was "as seen on tv" gifts. I think the guys had more fun with it than the girls did.

Sunday morning I went to church then to eat with my brother, sil, and nephews at Porches. Porches is an antebellum home turned into a restaurant. Very cool place to eat! Reagan and I went hunting Sunday afternoon, but unfortunately we didn't see any deer. Could be because we talk too much lol.

I hope everyone has a great week, myself included! Christmas will be here shortly :)

linking up with Biana


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