
Happy Monday guys! Linking up with Biana for my weekending post.
This weekend consisted of my work Christmas party, two Christmas parades, and lots of house cleaning.
Friday I attended my first christmas party at my new job and it didn't disappoint. We had some good food, played dirty santa, then played a few rounds of cards and dice. I ended up winning a big bottle of Fireball and Whip Cream Vodka. Hey, that's my kind of gift lol.
blurry (boo) Farm Bureau gang
For my fellow elf on the shelf fans, our elf snowflake had a little accident flying in Ryleigh's room and is now on strike until she cleans it up! Snowflake hasn't moved since Saturday and I doubt she moves again. That's how much my child hates cleaning lol.

Saturday I had to get up early because Ryleigh was in a christmas parade for her dance school. Christmas parades in the south are a MUST! We have ended up going to 3 local parades, and my girls love them!
BK was excited about the parade. Excuse her crazy hair!

Ryleigh and her cousin ready to throw out some candy!

What can I say? We love Christmas parades!!!

Ryleigh ended up spending the night with her cousin and going to church Sunday so BK and I slept in. I should have went to church but I had a migraine I couldn't get rid of! Sunday afternoon I met up with some friends to go to our town's christmas parade. Ya'll it was sooo ghetto but so much fun!
Today was Polar Express day at school.

I received my first stitchfix order! I will post my goodies tomorrow!!!



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