2016 Review

I keep saying "I can't wait for 2016 to end already", but after looking back over the last year I really can't complain. 2016 had its ups and downs, but I am blessed far more than I should be.
Celebrated 2016 w/a bunch of friends
Went mud riding at Tower Trax for the first time
We moved into our own house! That was one of the best moments of 2016!
My grandfather had open heart surgery, which was a success!
I met Murray from "Party Down South"!!
Frank Foster concert #2
Took the girls to the zoo for the day
Carlie's Bach Bash at Orange Beach
Ryleigh Ann turned 6!!!
Celebrated Ry's 6th birthday "Barbie Style"
Ryleigh participated in her first Tri-State rodeo
Celebrated Hannah and Gray's wedding
Celebrated Mother's Day w/the ones that made me a mama
Opening day of Creek Season!
Celebrated Carlie and Chris's wedding
Ryleigh graduated k5
Henley graduated k4
Celebrated Rachel and Taylor's wedding
Memorial Day
Frank Foster concert #3
Visit to NOLA for the day. Took the girls to the zoo and the French Quarter
Finding Dory
Switched jobs!!
First time to ever experience an Escape Room challenge!
Had fun at the Brookhaven Exchange Club Fair
Ryleigh started 1st grade and started a new school!
My nephew Braxton had brain surgery for Chiari Malformation and it was successful!
Ryleigh's first trip to Oxford and first Ole Miss football game! Hotty Toddy!!
Brynlee Kate turned 2!!
Maw Maw got really sick from a kidney infection turned strep in her blood and was hospitalized for several days. She recovered thank goodness!
Celebrated BK's 2nd birthday "Farm Style"
Took the girls to the Mississippi State Fair
Mitchell Farms Pumpkin Patch fun
Halloween!! Shopkins Donut and Minnie Mouse
Celebrated my 28th birthday at Gibb's General Store with some of the best friends a girl could ask for!
Ryleigh won her first belt buckle!!
Celebrated Thanksgiving and thanked the Lord for these two blessings!
Kicked off Christmas Season by looking at Christmas lights
Had a little visit with Santa. BK is NOT a fan!
Snowflake made her yearly flight to our house!
Brookhaven Christmas Parade
Merry Christmas from my family to yours!
Hazlehurst Christmas Parade
Tacky Sweater Friendmas
Girls came back from their dad's on Christmas day and we celebrated with too many toys and too much food!
I am looking forward to 2017 and all the great things to come! Happy New Year to you!



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