
Happy Monday! It feels like the weekend flew by, but we had a good one! The girls had their annual dance recital Thursday night and they did SO good! My cousin sent me this picture and my mama heart can't take it! I cannot believe my baby is growing up so fast, and is so beautiful! Seeing her on stage dancing brought back so many happy memories from my dancing years!! Friday night BK had a t-ball game then she went to stay with my mom, Ry spent the night with my aunt, so I went home and called it an early night because I was exhausted! Saturday we picked up my husband's daughter for the day, and all three girls were home so I had to snap a picture of the soon to be big sister! We are sooooo excited about baby #4!!! BK wanted to ride the side by side and check out the corn, and that is just what we did! Saturday afternoon we grilled and enjoyed playing outside since the weather was so nice! Sunday ...