
Happy Monday!
I was finally able to spend the weekend with my girls and I'm going to share all the fun things we did.
I picked them up Thursday afternoon and the first thing they did when we got home was go check the cotton with Mr. Walter. It doesn't look like cotton right now, but in the next few weeks the bowls will start blooming white!

Friday night we celebrated my brother's 25th birthday with a hibachi supper, which is the girls favorite!
Saturday I took the girls and my nephews to the Natural Science Museum and to eat at Raising Canes. The museum was hosting the Ripley's Believe It or Not exhibit and the kids loved it!! After the museum we went to a new store called Five Below, then ended our day with Bops ice cream.

Sunday morning we went to church and cooked steaks for lunch. That afternoon we celebrated my niece's first birthday!

Sunday night was spent grocery shopping for the week. Booo!!
Here's to a good and fast week :)
linking up with Biana and Lindsay





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