
Happy Monday! This is a bitter sweet week for me. I'm working my last week at my current job before I change to my new one. I am going to miss my co-worker terribly, because they have became my second family. I mean we spend more time together than I actually spend with my family. Plus, they have been there for me through the best and worst times in my life. I will forever be thankful for my Farm Bureau family. However, I am excited to start my new job, which will be with the same company. I am taking a different position, so I do have to learn a few new things.
On a sad note, I had to drop the girls off with their dad for two weeks this morning. Insert super sad face. I am going to miss them sooo much.

My weekend was pretty low key. Friday I took my oldest, along with my nephews to see Finding Dory. Such a cute movie, I would recommend this movie. Saturday consisted of helping my grandfather, uncles, brother, and cousins lay about a mile of water line. After finishing that I took the girls to the creek for a little while. Sunday Brynlee and I laid around the house being super lazy while Ryleigh went to the pool with my aunt and uncle. Here are a few snap shots from the weekend.

Linking up with Biana.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


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