Weekending~ A time for prayer

Friday a terrible tragedy took place in my little hometown. Around 11:00 two men working at a gravel pit were in the path of a landslide that completely buried them. One man was in a bull dozer and one was in a dump truck. The men were covered in 10-12 feet of quick sand like mud from a dam that broke. As of today, Monday, the men are still buried and there is no word on if they are alive or have passed. This tragedy has been on my heart since I heard about it on Friday. There are so many questions that I keep asking, along with alot of other people. The government has played a major part in this whole "recovery effort". That's right, their calling it a recovery effort not a rescue. Officials are pretty much ruling out that these men are alive, which I can understand, but there needs to be hope! MHSA (Mine Health and Safety Administration) had to come in and give approval before anything could be done to begin to save these guys lives. They had to build a road to get a crane in and they tried to pull the dozer up with the crane but that didn't work. Last night MHSA FINALLY gave the ok for Green Brothers to try to pump water out so that it would be a little easier to work. If you believe in the power of prayer please send one up for the guys, their families, and the workers!!
The 2 pieces of equipment you see sticking out of the mud to the left of the picture are the dozer and dump truck that the men are to said to be trapped in.
emergency workers watching as crews work to get these men out.

The rest of my weekend was spent with friends. Friday night I went out to eat with a bunch of people then we went to a little bar and watched a local band play.

Saturday I went to watch Frank Foster in concert and it was such a good time!

Sunday was spent being lazy!
I hope everyone has a great week.

linking up with biana


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