
Happy Monday I am linking up with Lindsay to share my weekend!
Friday afternoon Carlie and I picked my girls up from their dad then ate supper at Cracker Barrel.
Saturday we were up early headed to see Henley play tournament ball.

After his first game we went to eat at Chick Fila then we had to pick up a few things to get ready for our gender reveal.
Saturday afternoon we had friends and family over to find out the gender of our 3rd baby!

We had my cousin Carlie find out the gender and she poured the colored powder inside of our combine. When Walt's dad turned the combine on, the color show out the back.

I'm going to let you guess what the color was by my reaction....
If you guessed blue then you were RIGHT!! Oh my goodness we are over the moon excited to add a sweet little boy to our family. Rhett Granger West...
I knew if I ever had the chance to have a boy, I would name it after my grandparents on my mom's side. We both loved the name Rhett, so we decided on Granger for the middle name. Which is my mom's maiden name, and my grand parents last name. My paw paw is so excited that we are finally having a boy!!
My mom is just as excited!
We spent the rest of Saturday celebrating with friends and family.
Sunday morning we dropped the girls back off with their dad for Father's Day and picked up AB. We went to church then to his parents to eat lunch with his dad. We spent the rest of the afternoon at my grandparents house visiting before we took AB home.
This past weekend was eventful, tiring, but so very exciting!!


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