Mother's Day & {12 week pregnancy update}

Happy late Mother's Day to all my sweet mama bloggers!
I hope you had a wonderful day that was all about Y-O-U.
I started my mother's day off with church with my little family.
I picked out my gift this year because let's face it, my husband hates trying to buy things for me!
I ordered a pair of Tory Burch sandals and I am in love with them. I can wear them with almost everything and their comfortable.

Bk & Ry's dresses are on sale here!
After church we had lunch then went to Walt's parents house to give his mom her present. After that we went to my mom's house to give her present to her and the girls swam for a little while. We rode with my mom to the church and put flowers on my great grand mother's grave. We stopped by my grand parents house before we went home to see my grand mother.
Mother's Day was pretty relaxing and we spent time with family, which is what I enjoy most of all!
←12 week pregnancy update→
How far along? 12 weeks, 2 days
Baby is the size of a? lime
Weight gain? not yet
Maternity clothes? pants yes!
Cravings? mostly salty and greasy food
Symptoms? nausea is starting to go away finally!
I've had a few headaches but nothing major.
We went to the dr Monday to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. Unfortunately my dr wasn't able to find the heartbeat with the Doppler so we had to get another ultrasound.
I know I know you can't really tell what that is, but that is our sweet little peanut! Its hands and feet were just a moving and its heartbeat was 176!! We will find out what we are having next month and I cannot wait!
linking up a day late with Lindsay


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