Weekending [No.2]

Happy Monday!
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I spent the majority of the weekend outside, and as a result I now have a cold. (boo)
Friday night we went out to eat with my mom at a local Mexican restaurant.
Saturday morning I got the girls ready and left, in the rain, to go to Ryleigh's rodeo.
It was such a nasty day out, but we made the most of it. Ryleigh had a decent time on goats, and had a better time on barrels than normal.

When we got back from the rodeo we all got ready to go eat for Carlie's birthday.
We went across the river to Vidalia, LA and grabbed a few daiquiris while we waited for everyone to arrive. We ended up not leaving the restaurant until 11:00 that night. I was very frustrated, to say the least. We did enjoy hanging out with our friends though.

Sunday morning we were back up bright and early headed to Ryleigh's 2nd rodeo of the weekend. It was so cold yesterday, and carried over to today. I only snapped a picture of BK but Ryleigh had a better run on goats and broke the pattern on barrels. We came home and Walt went hunting while the girls and I rested a little while. I spent the rest of the afternoon doing laundry and finishing a few shirt orders I had.
I hope everyone has a great week!
Linking up with Lindsay & Biana


  1. I bet it was really chilly watching those rodeo events! Thanks so much for linking up with Hello Monday - hope you have a wonderful week!


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