
Happy Monday!
I took the girls to a "new to us" pumpkin patch this past weekend.
Although it was smaller than what we are used to, we had a fun time!
Even though it is October, it was still HOT this weekend, but hopefully we will see
cooler weather at the end of the week.
We started the day at the petting zoo feeding the animals.
They also have a safari tour at the lodge, but I didn't get tickets in time. Oops maybe next time!

After the petting zoo Brynlee wanted to ride the ponies and Ryleigh wanted to ride the camel.

Once that was over the girls played in the blow up obstacle course, then made their way through the hay maze. Once we were at the end of the maze we ran into my step daughter Allie Brooke! The girls went down the slide with her a few times before they left. Mama tried to teach the girls how to play horseshoes, but that didn't last too long.

By this time the girls were burning up, so they picked out their pumpkins, then we went inside for a sweet treat. We ended the day with painted faces and big smiles.

We still have lots of things to check off our bucket list!
What are some of your "must do" fall bucket lists?

linking up with Lindsay and Biana










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