
Happy Monday!
This weekend seems like it flew by for me. I don't know why but when September comes around my schedule starts getting busy!
Friday was Rockstar Day for the girls at school, and I have to share just how cute they were. Walt had to jump in that last picture haha.

I dropped the girls off at their dad's house Friday afternoon. When I got home I spent the rest of the evening working on shirts, while Walt finished spraying the cotton. We grilled steaks for supper and called it an early night.
Saturday morning I got up early and went to watch Ryleigh in her rodeo. Ya'll it was SO HOT! I'm not even kidding at how hot it was Saturday and Sunday. Luckily we were in a covered arena all day, but my poor child was burning up! After her rodeo, I rushed home to get ready for my friend's wedding. We were sweating up a storm at 5:00, but her wedding turned out beautiful.

Sunday morning I got up early, picked my mom up, and headed to Ryleigh's second rodeo. We spent the day outside watching her and sweating again haha! Ryleigh had a successful rodeo weekend. We ate a late lunch at Raising Canes then looked around the mall for a little while. The girls and I got home after 6:00 and Walt was cutting grass. The girls jumped on the trampoline, while I cleaned the house a little. We got bathes and got in bed because we were all EXHAUSTED!

I hope everyone has a great week! Walt will start picking cotton today, so I am praying he has a smooth and productive harvest.
linking up with Lindsay & Biana



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