Weekending 10.16.17

Sharing my weekend with Biana!

Friday I took off early to go watch Ryleigh cheer at the pep rally. After the pep rally Ryleigh's friend came over for the girls to play. Ryleigh went to the game while Brynlee and I had a date night at the Mexican with Walt.
I didn't get a picture of Ryleigh cheering but I did snap one of this cutie headed to the pep rally!
Saturday started off terrible! Ryleigh was entered in a rodeo Saturday morning, but woke up not feeling good so we had to cancel. She started feeling better and spent the day with my aunt. Brynlee and I hung around my mom's house with my brother. We watched most of the sec games, including Ole Miss who finally won!!! My brother grilled out that afternoon and we ate and enjoyed more football!
Sutton Reece and I excited because our Rebels got a win! (her mom is a bama fan lol)
Sunday morning we left bright and early headed to Ryleigh's rodeo. Ryleigh had a better run at this rodeo than last month. After the rodeo I made the terrible decision to take the girls to the state fair. It was extremely hot and crowded since it was the last day of the fair. The girls didn't get to ride many rides and we didn't even get anything to eat there!! I was so happy to see my bed last night.
Karsyn and Ryleigh-rodeo buddies

My little rodeo girl. I love this picture and I don't know why lol, but she looks so grown up here.

BK feeding the goats at the fair. She loves animals, but from a distance lol

Ryleigh catching butterflies at the butterfly exhibit.

Tired and hot but we got our annual fair picture haha!
It's been a crazy Monday but I'm excited to see how the week goes. I hope everyone has a great week!


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