What's Up Wednesday

What We're Eating This Week.. I started Weight Watchers almost a month ago, so my eating habits have changed a lot! The girls haven't gotten into eating healthier much, so it is still a struggle to feed them. Monday- Instapot Chicken Fajitas Tuesday- Taco Salad w/out the shell Wednesday- Subway Thursday- Hamburger Steak w/ veggies Friday- Eating out What I'm Reminiscing About.. Our weekend trip to Memphis! At the beginning of March we went to Memphis for the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show. I had such a great weekend get away with Walter and even learned a little about row crop farming :) Friday we went to the gin show then had supper at Blues City Café. If you ever eat there you must try their gumbo cheese fries, amazing! Saturday morning we got up and went back to the Gin show, then met up with Walt's chemical rep for drinks and lunch at Rendezvous. After lunch we had some drinks at Silky's. We had dinner reservations at The Majestic Grille w...